Wow! I was just reading some of my previous blogs and it was so neat to relive how I felt throughout this whole time. I will definitely have to do a better job of keeping up with things.
As an update, believe it or not, but I have been much more successful at breastfeeding, nipple phobia and all! I still pump a lot, but she does latch on pretty easily now. It started at about 3 weeks. Also, we did have her tongue clipped, and looking back I am so glad that we did. She is able to stick her tongue out all the time now! It would have been a much more difficult procedure had we waited. It would have involved anesthesia, etc.
SO tomorrow my precious angel will be 2 months. She has grown so much and is very alert now. She still loves the night time...but we are working on that.
This Sunday is her christening. We met with the pastor today to go over some details. Then we are having a small reception at the Dupont Country Club afterwards. Hopefully we will have some more pics to post! Plus we have a sony handi cam now too!
We chose my sister as the Godmother and Darren's friend Mark as the Godfather. Mark is a bachelor who has sworn off women (although we constantly have people ask us to fix them up with him). So it is incredibly cute and heartwarming to see him with Aubreigh. Darren shows him how to hold her, and it is super cute to watch. He even says how he loves her and how proud of her he is. After seeing him with her, Darren and I both agreed that he would make an excellent God Parent.
Well, I will make an effort to update more this weekend. Hopefully we will have some nice pics to add.